Meet Frankenshultz
My name is Dave Shultz also know as Frankenshultz. I was birthed on this planet with a compulsion to do art. I have done Art and music my whole life and continue to do so. When I was a growing up in the 1970s I was Always inspired by graffiti artist like Blade and Zephyr, And Fantasy artist like Frazzetta and Beksinski. I was More of a loner as a kid so art and music was my creative outlet. I have Always been interested in the darker side of the arts. Then I discovered tattooing in 1988 and have been tattooing now for 35 years. Still play music, still paint still sculp, any outlet of creativity. And with tattooing becoming a popular form of expression with many great artist world wide. Think before you ink! It is better to be tattooed for the sake of art, then for a trend. Think Art not popularity. IG @frankenshultzink Name: Frankenshultz (Dave Shultz) Email: frankenshultz@gmail.com IG: @frankenshultzink ESSAY
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